Monday, April 06, 2009

Music For Your Monday

Since it's Holy Week, I thought I'd be a tad irreverent - but just a tad. Since the week ends, for us Christians at any rate, with Jesus dying, the cry of abandonment on his lips, I thought I'd start out with XTC's somewhat bitter, slightly angry "Dear God". If you offend easily, you might wish to skip this.

Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" has always fascinated me; hearing a version by the very reverent Johnny Cash fascinates me even more. There are fewer more authentic American voices than his - maybe Willie Nelson (a good friend) or Bob Dylan - and it adds a different dimension to the song hearing it declaimed by the great man.

Along with Holy Week, we shouldn't forget Passover, should we? I hope not to offend my Jewish cousins in the faith with this raucous retelling of the story of the Angel of Death in what is my favorite song by Metallica, "Creeping Death" (strong language alert). By the way, in my own humble opinion, this was caught at the peak of their career - no one did it better than they did at this point in time:

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