Saturday, April 04, 2009

Mixed Day Yesterday

It seems that when I sleep in the early afternoon, and then have a busy evening, I miss stuff.

Our neighboring state, Iowa, managed to do the decent thing yesterday. Courts there ruled that gay marriage should be legal, and so it said in three weeks - it will be. Good for Iowa.

Binghamton, NY is only forty miles east of where I grew up. While not intimately familiar with it, the neighborhood where the shooting took place is a busy intersection I have been through many times, albeit years and even decades ago (I moved from the area for the last time in 1990). Still and all, not only is it horrible this kind of thing happens; it is very scary that it happened in Binghamton of all places.

I promised some folks a post soon. After some coffee and checking one source, I really, really will write it.

Virtual Tin Cup

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