Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Rock Show

Usually labeled "progressive metal", the Swedish band Pain of Salvation really isn't classifiable. One of their releases, Scarsick is a hardcore, rage-filled, but also quite humorous rant against George Bush's America. I wouldn't be sure what to call them. The genesis of this song is as follows:
Before the release of "BE", Pain of Salvation had "God's Answering Machine" on their website. You could call in and leave a message to "God", whatever that word meant for you. This song is a collection of 20-30 of the most emotional and deep messages left on that machine.

Maybe not "deep", but certainly most interesting. Listen carefully, because some are heart-breaking, some are pointed, a couple are quite funny, and one is in Japanese!

If you could call God and leave him a message on the Divine answering machine, what would it be?

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