Monday, May 26, 2008

Oliver Willis Embarrasses Me As An Obama Supporter

Perhaps this horse has been beaten to death, perhaps not. This kind of thing, however, really ticks me off.
Please, just fade away. You lost. You got close, but you lost. All you are doing now is embarrassing yourself and hurting the party and the country in the process.

Who is embarrassed by more democracy, by continuing to ask voters to decide who should represent them and their interests? Who is Oliver Willis to demand anything of anybody? Who am I? Good God, people, the Democratic primary has been nothing but a boon - two historic candidates, great voter turnout, new voter registrations, an expansion of the party's message. The nonsense the Republicans and the media toss out there has not only not stuck (and, yes, they keep trying to make it stick but it hasn't), but Obama's and Clinton's numbers remain high, with both of them beating McCain across any number of current polls. McCain's campaign is in disarray, to the chagrin of Republicans, while both Obama and Clinton run well-financed, professional machines.

Willis further makes a fool of himself by running a clip of former Pres. Clinton hugging Monica Lewinsky. Besides being gratuitous, I wonder at the relevance of such a clip. For me, it is a reminder not of Clinton's foibles, but of the many-years-long campaign to find anything to bring down a popular incumbent President. The entire Monica Lewinsky business - painful for her to remember, to be sure - was the concoction of Republicans looking for anything "bad" to take Clinton out. Did he "lie" to the American people when he said he did not have sex with "that woman"? Yes, he did. The only ones hurt by that lie were his wife and daughter, though. Most Americans knew it, felt bad for his family, and wanted the whole thing to go away. Not because talking about blow-jobs made them nervous, but because they knew that people do these kinds of things, and that for the most part they aren't anyone's business.

Yet, here we have an alleged liberal carrying water for Republican hacks, reminding whoever needs to be reminded that Bill Clinton has some personal foibles, baggage that his wife will surely drag along should she attain the White House. My question is simple - who cares? I honestly wish all those concern trolls on all sides would shut up and let the process move on. Let Clinton take it all the way to the convention if she wants; it's politics, and as Alan says, this isn't dog-catcher we're talking about here, but the Office of President of the United States. As far as I'm concerned, it's all good. More democracy, especially in the Democratic Party.

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