Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Never Ending Blowjob

I realize putting "that word" in the title might be offensive to some people. I thought about calling this "The Real Never Ending Story" or something like that, but in fact, this is one act of fellatio that has gone on for over twelve years. Personally, I'd be dehydrated by now.

ABC News managed to get a hold of Sen. Hillary Clinton's records as First Lady, and the first story they ran yesterday was the earth-shattering investigative piece that (gasp!), Hillary was in the White House on that day.

Seriously, people - who cares, other than Bill and Hillary? Monica, perhaps, although I am quite sure she is over the worst of the treatment she received at the hands of the media. Perhaps Chelsea, who has to be reminded of her father's peccadilloes in public, because the media just can't get enough of this crap.

I realize I'm a crazy lefty, but I might point out that Pres. Clinton is most likely not the first President in American history to receive adulterous oral pleasure while his wife was somewhere en manse. I might also point out that President Clinton isn't the first American to receive oral satisfaction, adulterous or not. I might further point out that most Americans, then as now, really don't give a fart in a hurricane about this.

When I criticize the media for weird obsessions and creating narratives that have nothing to do with reality, this is the kind of shit I mean.

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