Friday, June 08, 2007

The Point Exactly: Matt Yglesias on the Failure of "Immigration Reform"

The beneficial withering on the vine of the ridiculously mistitled immigration reform legislation yesterday - the Senate failed to vote for cloture, allowing a vote - has many people up in arms. Lindsay Graham from South Carolina was apoplectic with Barack Obama yesterday on the Senate floor, betraying the reality too many Republicans are facing, viz., pressure from the base to reject the bill even as those who support it most are . . . Republicans. Personally, I think it was a horrid bill, with little of real compromise in it. In fact, it was a mish-mash of contradictions, trying to hold both ends together with a non-existent middle.

Via atrios, comes this piece from Matt Yglesias which ends on the perfect note, summing up the problem the failed immigration bill failed to address and its supporters vehemently deny:
There isn't a unitary "immigration problem" that Washington is failing to solve. Rather, various people see various different problems and there's not a consensus as to which problem is sufficiently problematic as to warrant action.

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