Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Eric Alterman Sings My Song

This will be short, sweet, and to the point. For a while now, I have had nothing good to say about the misrule of George W. Bush. I wish to quote Eric Alterman, from today's edition of his Altercation blog:
George W. Bush and company -- of whom the Post has been so enamored and to whom its pundits, particularly "Dean" David Broder, have been so sympathetic -- have screwed up everything about this nation's governance so profoundly that it will take incredible amounts of courage and imagination merely to restore the most basic form of balance to our foreign policy, to our military, to our economy, to our science policies, to our environment, to the protection of our constitutional liberties, to the very meaning of government in our lives.

I have said these very things for months now. I have used almost these very words.

I feel wise. I feel like a song-writer who hears his song on the radio sung by - whom? The Mills Brothers? Frank Sinatra? David Johanssen? Tom Waits? - pick your poison, at it were.

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