Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another "Meta" Post, Ignore At Your Leisure

You might have noticed that this blog has changed subtly since I returned from my little hiatus a while back. There are reasons for that. The biggest reason was that I realized I was losing myself, my distinctive voice, and becoming indistinguishable from any number of other liberal/progressive bloggers. Part of my identity is as a Christian, yet as my wife pointed out, I rarely posted anything substantive about religion, and in fact was getting in to all sorts of areas best left alone. I feel refocused now, even if I don't always post on the latest outrage from the Bush Administration, or the latest bit of nonsense from the media, because I feel I have found a surer footing.

While the temptation to enter in to debates on issues that arise out of the latest bit of news always exist, I feel justified in feeling good about my decision, and the new direction (or perhaps renewed is a better word) I am taking because I think that, all other things being equal, much of our public dialogue is much ado about nothing. As the recent Washington Post series on the Vice President shows, our current Administration is, in fact, totally out of any kind of control. As long as impeachment remains off the table, there really is no point in harping on how awful things are, because, in truth, nothing short of getting these men and women out of office will change the way things are. When articles of impeachment are passed and a trial starts in the Senate, then, maybe, I might start back talking about matters of immediate public concern. For right now, I think the Beltway Stranglehold on our national discourse, as surreal as it is, is too strong, and I am such a tiny voice in this conversation, that my energies are better spent on other topics.

I have not forsworn progressive politics, or my utter disdain for the clowns who run this country, or the really stupid things our media puts out there, or the utter failure of the Democrats to really do the job they were elected to do - end the war and put a stop to our criminal Executive Branch - but I get tired of it all, and have found other interests that are both more constructive and more interesting. The future may be progressive, but we aren't there yet, and I would prefer to make my contribution in my own way. In my own words. With my own voice.

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