When in doubt, take it out.
What is being taken out is not factual inaccuracy but four-letter words. I am sick and tired of thin-skinned, faux-concern for the sensibilities of readers disguised as a desire for civility in our public discourse. Either we are going to allow free expression, or we are going to operate under the nonsensical rule that some speech is more equal than others. It is true that one can make a point without throwing in profanity. You know what? Sometimes, it works well to pound home a point not otherwise obvious, or not made with enough emphasis. Besides that, the idea that we need to "take out" words that hurt our feelings, or might scorch our eyes to cinders because of our own sensitivity only shows how lily-livered these people are.
Klein is frightened of criticism, really. He can't handle it that people are so enraged by his mediocrity and insiderism that they might just vent their spleens at him. He cannot imagine why people think he is a walking, writing joke, the embodiment of all that is atrocious about our current commentariat.
In that spirit, here's a hearty, "Grow the fuck up!" to you, Joe Klein.