How many young Americans, and Iraqis of all ages, have to die, before we get politicians who stand up and end this damnable war? How long do we have to keep sending our troops over to be targets for snipers, or IED fodder, achieving nothing? I always thought a good rule of thumb, militarily, was that you don't reinforce failure. All we are doing is making everything worse. Bush doesn't even have the gumption, according to the report linked above, to come before the American people and explain what he is doing and why. I am quite sure it is because, despite the bubble of unreality in which he continues to operate, his aides are aware he is about as popular as a root canal without anaesthesia, and the public is demanding an end to this war. Rather than dare the ire of the public, he's doing it on the sly. Quite a coward.
Let me just quote Jane Hamsher from her take on the whole thing:
George Bush doesn't deserve "a chance" to play Army Men . . .
Indeed, he does not. Not Army Men, not fighter pilot. Not President of the United States. He has exhausted not just the good will and trust, but the tolerance of the American people.