Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hell May Not Be Freezing Over, But I Should Get Out a Sweater

Just the other day, I wrote here that I doubted whether or not Sean Hannity would welcome the pastor of Trinity UCC, Chicago, to respond to ignorant, baseless charges that were spouted on his show. Score one for those who claim Hannity is fair - if you go to Crooks and here, complete with video, you will see the difference between someone who is intelligent, thoughtful, well-read, decent, and Sean Hannity. Hannity asks a question, and when he is clearly unhappy with the answer - I assume he thinks people will be bullied by him - he tries to change the subject. BTW, he studied theology? At Joe's Divinity School?

His utterly insipid remarks at the end show that he and the minister and congregation at Trinity live in completely different worlds, and Trinity's is the real one.

I will give Hannity props, though. He did what I thought he would not do, and faced with someone he could neither bully nor talk over, he gave up, and Colmes managed to make the most important point - that Trinity is being singled out because of Obama, not because of anything on its website. Like all bullies, when faced by someone who is not intimidated, Hannity backs down like the true coward he is.

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