Monday, January 29, 2007

Evangelicals Are Christians, Too

The story about male prostitute Mike Jones, Ted Haggard's business partner, visiting Haggard's church, should make those who think of evangelicals as shallow, homo-hating, vindictive, and generally mean people sit up and take a bit of notice. Jones himself acknowledges the response was overwhelmingly warm, and while I doubt he shall become a member any time soon, there is no doubt he would be welcomed by the congregation should he so choose.

It is all too easy to stereotype groups by the behavior of individuals and even some portion of the membership of such groups, evangelicals among the rest. Yet here we have a group of evnagelical Christians acting like, well, Christians. They reach out, in love, without judgement, and welcome one into their midst that, by the normal rules of the game, would be shunned. While I doubt few minds will be changed because of this incident, I am heartened by it, because it is an object lesson in the possibilities inherent in the Christian life. I might disagree with the church's teaching (or I might not, I do not know what they are), and I might find Haggard a disreputable character, doing incalculable damage to himself, his family, and the reputation of Christians everywhere - not because he's gay, but because he chose to hide it behind lie after lie after lie, acting out in ways morally reprehensible, indiscreet, and illegal. It would have been much better had he acknowledged his sexuality and taken a stand within that, rather than hide behind a cassock and pulpit, convincing himself that he could continue to live two lives.

Haggard's church, it seems, is better than Haggard at the whole Christian thing. Perhaps he taught them too well, or perhaps he should have listened to himself more. Whatever the reason, this is a good story, a story to relieve a bit of ache from the heart.

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