Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Depths of Presidential . . . Stupidity Doesn't Even begin to Cover It (Updated with Correction)

Two things about the President's little news conference this afternoon. First, in his introductory remarks, he said that Iraq was a "war we now find ourselves in."

Uh. Huh? What?

You mean we didn't go through several months of discussion of mushrooms clouds and uranium cake and steel tubes and mobile biological weapons plants; we didn't go through the logistical task of staging 150,00 troops, with inadequate armor and supplies, and no plan for control in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of Sadaam Hussein, with all its "messy" looting? You mean the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense didn't set up their own intelligence office in the Pentagon because they didn't like the intel coming from the CIA that consistently said Iraq had not reconstituted its weapons program? You mean we didn't have shock and awe that was mostly stop and yawn? We just happened to "find ourselves" occupying a country we invaded without reason, without pretext, without cause, without threat, and apparently without a clue?

Of all the abysmally stupid things Bush has said, this goes beyond stupid. This is almost criminally horrid. Does Bush actually refuse to accept responsibility for the irretrievable mess we now find ourselves in? Does he believe it is something that has just happened, that events are unconnected to one another, that responsibility and blame and culpability have no place in this world he has created in his mind?

Also, from the Q&A according to an AP report here, Bush had this to say about the Iraq Study Group:
"I thought it was interesting the Republicans and Democrats could work in cocnert to help achieve an objective," Bush said.

Like they were kids at camp given a goal to meet, and had done so without bringing down the cabin.

I know the President is claiming he is on a "Listening Tour", but perhaps he should be on a "Clue Tour", because he sure needs to find one.

January 20, 2009 is so far away.

UPDATE:I have changed the first paragraph to reflect a partial transcript of this line I found here. Thank you so much, Joshua Micah Marshall.

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