Monday, December 17, 2007

Music Monday

When I was growing up, my parents had a collection of Christmas records that had been special releases by Columbia exclusively for sale at the now defunct Grant's Department Stores. I suppose they really aren't as good as I remember them being, but in truth I remember them quite fondly. Gary Puckett singing "O Holy Night", Leslie Uggams singing "It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas", and Aretha Franklin singing "Let It Snow!" are true gems. Most of the offerings were of what we now call "Easy Listening", performers who do standards and pop classics. I thought I would offer by example.

What would Christmas without Johnny Mathis be like?

Even worse, what would Christmas without Perry Como be like? Best not to ponder that . . .

Finally, Mel Torme wrote "A Christmas Song" specifically for Nat "King" Cole. Yet, he performed it as well. One of the Grant's albums my parents still have contains a version. Here's "The Velvet Fog" (what a silly nickname):

As a bonus, I found the following, and I laughed so hard, I was wiping tears away. I know it isn't Christmas music, but I couldn't keep this gem to myself. If you can guess who does it, you'll win . . . nothing, really.

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