Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finally Finished

I just finished the third volume of Dorrien's three-volume history of American liberal theology. Whew! Just when I thought I needed a rest, and was going to sit and enjoy Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, which I got back from my parents' house when my wife returned from her trip there last month, last evening I purchased a book called Dangerous Words; Speaking of God in an Age of Fundamentalism and I couldn't sit and relax with the wonderful fantasy of two magicians in early 19th century England, but had to turn to this book.

Dorrien's history - among the best, most detailed histories of Christian theology I have ever read - showed me that, at heart, I am a theological liberal. In fact, I now embrace the label because I find it much more honest and open an approach to figuring out the faith than any other I have encountered. It is also more in keeping with my own experience of the faith. this is a gift I shall always treasure.

Between those books and this game I am currently obsessed with, my time blogging has been sorely lacking in recent weeks. Again, it's a failing of mine that I just can't seem to concentrate on more than one thing at a time.

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