Friday, August 17, 2007


The following comment was left at the 4simpsons blog:
I have a personal experience dealing with these types of laws. Our church has been in Southwest Ohio for nearly 150 years. Several years ago a group of Muslims built an “association” (really a mosque) in our local community. Our church gathered together to pray for these poor souls trapped in Islam. We even went to their building and attempted to pass out Biblically-based pamphlets to them as they exited their service. Well, to make a long story short, many of them became upset and accused us of “harassment”. I can just imagine how these situations will get worse when more “groups” are added to hate crime legislation. If we can’t minister to Muslims as they leave their mosque, the government is preventing us from practicing our Christianity.

There is a combination of ignorance and a lack of Christian love for neighbor here that is almost breathtaking to behold. One wonders how a person can live in our world and think and live like this. Alas and alack, it is all too common.

I do believe that, even as it retreats, Christian fundamentalism will become even more virulent, dangerous, and hostile. One wonders where such activities as these may lead.

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