Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sore Losers Among the Victorious

If you go here, here, and here you will get a taste of what the Insider/DLC crowd is feeling now that Dean, the grassroots, and the netroots have proven that a progressive party can be built that is capable of winning. Of course, I will not discount the egregious conduct of the Republican majority over the past six years (although if this story is to be believed, we could have been spared at least two years of this nonsense), along with a war in Iraq that grows deadlier and deadlier even as we are told things are improving by our now-irrelevant President and Vice-President.

More to the point at issue here, however, is the question of why blow-hards like Carville, his harpy of a wife, and their minions in both parties are consulted and considered sages. Carville helped Clinton eke out a win in 1992, so he's a political strategist? How many elections has Matalin helped succeed? Like Tom Friedman, Charles Krauthammer, Joe Klein - journalists, yes, but people who are so in love with their own sage abilities it is a marvel we don't turn running our country over to them - Carville and Matalin need to be placed on a "no-call" list. I am not suggesting censorship, but the media do need to start demonstrating some sense of responsibility. These people are consistently wrong, yet we turn to them again and again. Why?

UPDATE: If you go here, Glenn Greenwald has much to say about this very issue, treating Carville with the contempt he deserves. Sadly, however, I do believe that, like the Druge-inspired "Where's Nancy?" nonsense at the end of the campaign, it is Carville's turn, in Mark Halperin's words, to "rock our world".

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