Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Idiots with Big Egos

Over at Fire Dog Lake there is this piece and this one showing that one's enemies are too often those to whom one shoud be most closely allied. Rahm Emmanuel should be on his knees thanking the progressive Internet Community - everyone from dKos and atrios to Howie Klein and little, barely-read blogs like mine - for delivering a Democratic majority in Congresss. We shall be hearing more of this whole "conservative dems are the ones who won" argument until it is disproven, and then we shall hear "the progressives will lose us the majority in two years" argument. Emmanuel wants Pelosi's job, the conservatives are deathly afraid of a progressive movement, and even corporate-favoring Dems are nervous because of Chairman Waxman, Chariman Rangel, and others who may actually accomplish something approximating a progressive agenda over the next two years.
Rather than play the power game, Emmanunel should send out Christmas cards to all the DLC donors and return to his suburban Chicago district and shut up. Of course, he won't, but if enough of us bloggers, big and small, shout loud enough, maybe he will.
Rather than take credit (the flip side of the egregious "blame game") Emmanuel should be figuring out how to actually govern. It's a challenge, Rahm.
UPDATE: If you go here you will find the wonderful phrase "a Rahm Emmanuel spittle-soaked fantasy." I dearly love Jane Hamsher, have never met her, know little about her, except she writes a great blog, but I would pledge my undying devotion to her just for that phrase alone. That and her note that Americans "ran from conservatives like a bad case of crotch lice".
UPDATE II: After much thought, I have decided that Rahm Emmanuel is not an idiot. Considering the advice, both strategic and tactical, he gave Democratic House candidates, and his disdain for the most successful and popular candidates, I would change the label from "idiot" to "coward".

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