Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Conspicuous Gallantry Not Enough For Some

I . . . uh . . . just . . . Screw it. There are times that adjectives fail.
Bryan Fischer, the "Director of Issues Analysis" for the conservative Christian group the American Family Association, was unhappy yesterday that President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to a soldier for saving lives. This, Fischer wrote on his blog, shows that the Medal of Honor has been "feminized" because "we now award it only for preventing casualties, not for inflicting them."
Just for the record, Sgt. Giunta won the Congressional Medal of Honor because he went back, again and again, under a hail of gunfire from insurgents, to make sure all the members of his unit were able to make it. Not just once. Again, and again, and again. That's what this doofus calls "feminized". Which, I should note, said epithet insults the thousands of women soldiers in harm's way in Afghanistan and Iraq, women who have served honorably, bravely, and well, in conditions that include not only the usual threats from combat, but sexual harassment from other troops as well as harassment from locals who might find American women exotic.

I would salute Sgt. Giunta no matter who gave him the award because the young man deserves the thanks and admiration of all Americans. Whether or not you support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, this man exemplifies the highest ideals of military service in combat.

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