Thursday, September 24, 2009


I have decided I would like to call Neil out on something. He recently wrote the following:
I do appreciate your clarity, along with Geoffrey’s, that we have different religions. Mine is Christianity.

I have written, up to this point, 2,240 blog posts - my, I do go on, don't I! - and I would invite Neil to go through all of them that deal with my thoughts on the Christian faith and point out, either in comments here, or on his own blog, in as much excruciating detail as he usually manages, where I have ever - EVER - said anything remotely outside a pretty traditional understanding of the Christian faith. Shoot, unlike a whole lot of liberal Christians, I accept the reality of the bodily resurrection of Jesus and the Trinitarian reality of God!

So, c'mon Neil. Man up. I do so want to read a detailed smackdown of my views of the Christian faith.

UPDATE: Hardly a surprise, but he's chickening out.
Hi Geoffrey,

Thanks, but I’ve read plenty of your writings already. I subscribe to over 100 blogs, and yours and ER’s are not among them for a reason. Unless you have converted I don’t see the need to spend any more time on them. Here’s one summary from when you laid out the differences between our religions quite plainly — . As I noted there, I really appreciated the clarity and your honesty in finally abandoning your lie that we could possibly be worshiping the same God.

I'm not even sure what to make of this other than a confession of his own intellectual cowardice. At least he isn't hiding it.

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