Thursday, July 02, 2009

Not Only Are They Clueless, They Hate America And Democracy - Just Days Before Independence Day


Ignorance piled on top of stupid with a dollop of creepy makes it all go down easy, but come back up in a rancid stench.

Like Michael Sheuer, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and the rest of the nutty-right, we now get musings on a coup d'etat and its beneficent possibilities.

Hey, Eric, I got something to tell you - the Republicans have been in charge for the vast majority of the past generation and pretty much screwed up everything. We had an election last fall (remember it, it was in all the papers . . .) and you guys LOST because crazy-stupid-right-wing government is an abject failure.

How much more evidence is needed that the right-wing in America is a font of danger? Not a serious threat to our stability, but certainly dangerous in the potential for harm to innocent lives. All this musing about coups and the inherent danger of our gay-Marxist-Islamist-terrorist President is fueling the fires smoldering on the right. It has already boiled over in violence - from Idaho and Oklahoma City in the 1990's to Pittsburgh, Nashville, and even Washington, DC in the past year - and we can expect much more of it.

Here's a clue, if you have a big enough glove to catch it, Eric. There are mechanisms to register your discontent with our current governance. Write a letter to your Congressional Representative and US Senator. Set up an organization to lobby for your pet issue(s). Give money to legitimate groups that will advocate on your behalf. Sitting on your duff in Alabama and writing about the benefits of the destruction of America only confirms that you are crazier than an outhouse rat.

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