Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Seeing God In Improbable Places - The Holy Spirit Listing From A Mediocre Pop Song

I haven't really done a whole lot of "theologizing" recently, and a fit of nostalgia has me thinking back to the summer of 1990. It was a transitional time in my life; I was about to enter Wesley Theological Seminary, living with my brother in Gaithersburg, MD; and was emerging from the smoldering wreckage of my life, said smoldering wreckage brought about by myself. As I spent the summer licking my wounds, looking around and asking the inevitable, "What the hell did I do?", and realizing that this wreckage had been quite plain for any observer for quite a while, and embarrassed by my own lead role in my own near self-immolation, I encountered the following song:

First - Taylor Danye? Holy God, but isn't she hot in this video? Any questions of the quality of her songs to one side, she seemed to me at the time - and still, nearly 20 years gone - to glow (and I don't mean due to whatever cinematic techniques were used). More to the point, the directness of the lyrics captured me the very first time I heard this song. Even more, the sentiment was something I not only needed to hear, but needed to believe in. Quite apart from the question of wanting or needing a woman in my life (in fact, I did not want, nor need, one such; there was quite a bit of damage control on my part to do before I attempted anything like that), it wasn't the desire for female companionship that I heard. No. I will be honest and say that from the very first hearing, right up to the present moment, as I listen to this song again, I hear and see the voice and face of a loving, prodigal God.

Which, I suppose, begs many questions, not the least of them being whether or not I was then or am now in my right mind. Yes, I am. To not only hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit in the promise to give "love when there seems to be not enough" is indeed as Christian can imagine. That God will shelter us when we need it most - like Jesus, praying over Jerusalem, how he longed to love it, like a mother hen taking her chicks under her wing. To be the only one to sit there in the watches of the night, when protection from one's own worst instincts is most needed - what is more like the God revealed in Jesus than that?

As for God being hot, beautiful beyond previous understanding? I don't think I should have to elaborate that point to much.

Anyway, this little biographical/theological tidbit is offered up for your consideration.

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