Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sitting Down To Save Their Jobs

Sit-down strikes have a noble, wonderful history in the American labor movement. Because they work. So, it is heartening to see the 500 employees of this garment manufacturer in Des Plaines, IL deciding to fight the banksters to save their jobs.
"We are all upset that, they should give us another chance to make sure that somebody comes in who actually wants to bid," said Workers United Local President Ruby Sims. "Take the bid. Let us work. We deserve to finish paying those bills, paying for our houses, taking care of our children."

"We will not leave the factories if they move and push to liquidate it and close down our jobs," said Midwest Workers United Treasurer Joe Costigan.

We have reached a point where the labor movement needs to get back to some serious confrontation, organizing against corporate America, rather than with it. While it might be important to remind most corporations that, in the end, organized labor is a boon to profits, employee satisfaction and morale, retention, workplace safety, and the economy as a whole, right now workers need to be reminded that most corporations will quite willingly screw workers as much as possible. Without the protections provided by a unionized workforce, this will only get worse, especially in this economy. This is the moment for labor to get off its duff and, in the word of "Joe Hill" - organize.

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