Saturday, May 02, 2009

An Anniversary, Sort Of

It was three years ago that I started this whole blogging thing, more or less. This is my very first post on what turned out to be a failed first attempt at blogging. Part of my problem, at the time, was that I took myself far too seriously. Another part was more personal and related to issues at home rather than any substantive issues with blogging. It would be a few months before I changed direction, opening myself to all sorts of possibilities.

I think I've come a long way. I no longer take myself nearly as seriously as I used to. I think I manage to display a sense of humor, an enjoyment of the absurd in life, and in myself. I also no longer see blogging as a means to some other end; rather it is its own means and end. The friendships I have managed to form with people I have yet to meet are as meaningful as any I've had in my life, based as they are on a shared desire to communicate and just share oneself with others.

I would ask you take a look at my old blog, but to be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed by most of it, although here are some posts with which I am actually quite pleased.

Horace Bushnell's Gift

Ralph Waldo Emerson And America's Romantic Vision Of Religion

The Gift of Pluralism: Isaiah Berlin's "The Crooked Timber of Humanity"

Narrative Creations: Norman Cohn's "Europe's Inner Demons"

When You Dance With the Devil, the Fat Lady Never Sings

Most of the rest you can simply ignore. Please.

In three years, I hope I can write the same thing about what I've done so far here.

Virtual Tin Cup

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