Monday, April 13, 2009

Music For Your Monday

A few weeks ago, I featured some amazing guitar work. Today, I would like to enter realms undreamed. The whole thing began because a friend of mine emailed me a link to the first video here - the John Butler Trio doing "Ocean". First of all, I dig the hair. I want that hair. Second, please note that he actually plays an 11-string; he has removed the high G-string, which is practical as it is usually the first to go.

This is Dominic Frasca. This is a 10-string classical guitar. This is a sample of some seriously awesome playing. And, yes, that is a c-clamp holding down one string at one point.

Finally, a pair from an artist whose last name is Hettory. Here he demonstrates a double-tapping technique on a Chapman-stick-like guitar. This is "Dedication".

Here is Hettory with his trio in El Paso, TX. I post this because at one point he plays two guitars simultaneously. This is "Inner Funk" - and it does, indeed, appeal to the inner funk in me . . .

Virtual Tin Cup

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