Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who's The Whiny Ass Titty Baby Now? (Strong Language Alert In What Follows)

It's been eight days since the election. Eight days. President-elect Obama hasn't even named a single potential cabinet member. All sorts of new Congress members are busy buying houses in Chevy Chase and Alexandria. And Brad at Sadly, No! is already predicting that they are fucked.
And here’s the thing: the Democrats aren’t going to be able to do anything to stop it [the recession]. The bed has already been shat, and they’re the one party in control of the whole government now. If we’re facing 9% unemployment at the start of 2010, a bunch of Dem congressmen can start packing their bags.

What I’m trying to say here is the Dems have a roughly two-year window to enact policies that they think will be for the long-term benefit of the country. They need to hit the damn ground running and hope that the economy starts recovering by 2012. Otherwise, we could be looking at a Sarah Palin-Joe the Plumber dream ticket. Just sayin’ is all.

Again, let's remember what the context is here. Eight days since the election, about a month and a half from the sitting of the newly-elected Congress, then another three weeks until the inauguration of a new President, and already we're being told that the Democrats had better do what Brad says or they'll lose everything.

This not just stupid. It is more than ridiculous. It is a signal that the loser mentality is still alive and well among Democrats and liberals.

The reason the Democrats were elected is people knew things were bad and bound to get worse, and the voters figures they were better able to deal with the situation we were in than the Republicans. I am quite tired of all the whining about right-wingers and "corporate media" attempting to hamstring the incoming Obama Administration and Democratic Congress. As far as Obama has shown, he is quite immune to their tactics, treating them with the kind of disdain they deserve. While times indeed are bound to get worse before they get better - and who doubts that is true? - they will get better. We elected the Democrats to actually, you know, do stuff to make them better, and I have few doubts about their ability to do so.

Stop your freaking whining. You won. Play the hand you've been dealt, not with fear and shuddering at the possibility of failure, but with a certain confidence. If all you can counsel is fear and worry, I think you are as much a part of the problem as the reactionaries out there. Stop your whining, in other words. We won.

At least wait until the winners actually get to do stuff before you start saying they are already destined for the historical scrap heap.

Jesus, but this is tiresome.

By the way, I would note that some of the discussion in the comments on this post is just about the stupidest I have seen on a "liberal" site in a long, long time. I guess these folks can't get it through their numb skulls that we liberals won, and yet have to wait to actually do stuff.

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