Monday, January 07, 2008


OK, that's a bit of a "Duh", and really, what would one expect the National Academy of Sciences to say but that science needs to be taught in science classes?

Except, alas, it too often isn't. Local school boards get hijacked by ignoramuses who demand "equal time" for the phony "Intelligent Design" nonsense (incidentally, how could something with "Intelligent" in the name be so stupid?). We get the same tired nonsense, so often shown to be such, yet repeated again and again - there's no fossil evidence for evolution; evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics (the only scientific law creationists actually seem to like); has anyone ever actually witnessed evolution, experimentally; the eye could never have emerged through evolution, and anyway, there's no evidence that it did; la-di-da-di-da - and the same fight goes on and on. It seems that local schools are gun-shy about litigation, yet they act in ways that actually invite lawsuits by bringing this crap in to the classroom.

I was fortunate, in that my high school biology teacher was a real scientist, and he taught evolution, and genetics, without any reference to anything other than, well, evolution and genetics. I went to college, however, with students who only had heard of the theory, because their school districts were afraid some fundie somewhere would scream and holler if Darwin's name was mentioned. They had to play catch-up.

As someone who has actually read both On The Origin of Species and The Voyage of the Beagle (the latter is a wonderful read, albeit a bit long, although not by Victorian standards), I think it only fair to say the book should be required reading for anyone wishing to graduate from high school in the United States. They can read about creationism/Intelligent Design in a class on the history of awful ideas.

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