Friday, June 29, 2007

Exhibit "A"

I have been saying for a long time that the religious right has been played by Republican pols, and played for a fool. I offer, as latest exhibit "A", today's column by Michael Gerson in The Washington Post, as dissected here by Pastordan at Street Prophets.

I have nothing to add to the substantive critique. I only offer this as a kind of "meta" post on the whole thing. Michael Gerson, along with being factually and analytically challenged, obviously cares little for issues of faith. He only cares how they can be leveraged by politicians for electoral advantage. This display of seriously flawed political nonsense is perfect for this reason alone: it demonstrates just how ridiculously apathetic to religion the Republican Party and its party operatives are (now that's some German sentence construction, by the way; the verb is all the way at the end of the sentence! sorry, ER).

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