Saturday, March 24, 2007

Surreal Teseract

With a hat tip to, we have this little gem courtesy of the Huffington Post. It seems Tom DeLay is accusing the Democrats of engaging in Nazi-style "Big Lie" tactics when they accuse him of ethical lapses and violations of the law.

I titled this post "Surreal Teseract", because DeLay is, to put it bluntly, an amoral scumbag. For him to whine and play the victim to the big mean Democratic Party for not only accusing him of breaking the law, but of insisting he be punished for doing so is a bit like looking at an early painting by Salvador Dali, all those limp clocks and trains steaming out of nothing. There are quite literally no words to describe the master of the Big Lie down on his knees in the "Amen" corner praying for protection from the Democratic "Big Lie". It's also like a teseract, the three-dimensional representation of a four-spatial-dimension cube - it hurts the eyes to try and figure out exactly what it's supposed to really be.

Maybe Jonah Goldberg can quote him for his new book that he doesn't seem able to finish.

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